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International Registered Letter (Worldwide 7-21 day)

International Registered Letter (Worldwide 7-21 day)
International Registered Letter with Hungarian Post.
All shipping costs include the cost of packaging.
Total product weight
Shipping cost
0.001  kg
0.04  kg
14 $
0.05  kg
0.49  kg
22 $
0.5  kg
1.99  kg
65 $
2  kg
4.99  kg
90 $
5  kg
10  kg

Personal in Budapest Shop

Personal in Budapest Shop
You can pick up your order in our shop.
All shipping costs include the cost of packaging.
Please pay attention to the opening hours!
Order total
Shipping cost
0  $

MPL delivery company (ONLY Inside Hungary : 1-4 day)

MPL is the parcel delivery service of Magyar Posta. Can only be used within Hungary!
All shipping costs include the cost of packaging.

Az MPL a Magyar Posta csomagszállítási szolgáltatása. Csak Magyarországon belül használható!

Total product weight
Shipping cost
0.001  kg
1.99  kg
7 $
2  kg
4.99  kg
8 $
5  kg
9.99  kg
8 $
10  kg
20  kg
11 $

Registered Letter (ONLY Inside Hungary 1-4 day)

Registered Letter (ONLY Inside Hungary 1-4 day)
A Magyar Posta ajánlott levél szolgálatatása, Magyarországon belül.

Hungarian Posta's registered letter service within Hungary.
All shipping costs include the cost of packaging.
Total product weight
Shipping cost
0.001  kg
0.04  kg
3 $
0.05  kg
0.49  kg
4 $
0.5  kg
2  kg
10 $

FedEx International (Worldwide 7-12 day)

FedEx International (Worldwide 7-12 day)
FedEx is one of the most reliable and fastest shipping companies in the world. Their name is a guarantee of quality.
All shipping costs include the cost of packaging.

The calculated amount is the shipping fee of a standard priority package! If you wish to use other FedEx services, please contact us!
Total product weight
Shipping cost
0.1  kg
5.99  kg
221 $
6  kg
6.99  kg
231 $
7  kg
7.99  kg
251 $
8  kg
8.99  kg
270 $
9  kg
9.99  kg
279 $
10  kg
10.99  kg
290 $
11  kg
12  kg
310 $

International Registered Letter (ONLY EU COUNTRIES and UK)

International Registered Letter (ONLY EU COUNTRIES and UK)
International Registered Letter with Hungarian Post.
All shipping costs include the cost of packaging.
Total product weight
Shipping cost
0.001  kg
0.04  kg
12 $
0.05  kg
0.49  kg
20 $
0.5  kg
1.99  kg
52 $
2  kg
10  kg
75 $

International Registered Letter (USA, CANADA, NORTH AMERICA)

International Registered Letter (USA, CANADA, NORTH AMERICA)
International Registered Letter with Hungarian Post.
All shipping costs include the cost of packaging.
Total product weight
Shipping cost
0.001  kg
0.04  kg
11 $
0.05  kg
0.49  kg
16 $
0.5  kg
1.99  kg
41 $
2  kg
10  kg